No-Kalt™ System

The best solution is to prevent the occurrence of a problem.

In the 90’s the world started to notice the drop in light crude oil reserves but, on the other hand, people started to see the enormous potential of heavy crude oils and their great importance in the future oil business.

The highest percentage of current exploitation is focused on lighter oil resources because of its greater simplicity and lower cost of production. However, the development of new technologies has changed the equation and undoubtedly this, together with the need to increase reserves, has led to a greater exploitation of these resources.


Results do not take long. From the very moment it starts operating, problems disappear.


The prevention of deficiencies generates very high operating returns, which avoid the loss of profits and repair costs.


We answer the most frequent questions. Contact us here for additional doubts.


Tel/Fax (54 11) 4554 5665 or 4554 3289
0800 - 888 - GLOBAL -
Zapiola 1415 - CP: C1426AUC
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

No-Kalt™ is a trademark of Global Technologies and is patented in many countries worldwide.
©2011 Global Technologies, All rights reserved.

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